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The importance of Cardio-Respiratory Endurance fitness muscular power, LME

cardio-respiratory endurance is likely the most important fitness factor. The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity is referred to as cardiorespiratory fitness.

This is typical of a high demand for cardiorespiratory endurance. A player's heart rate is also a good indicator of whether there are high aerobic demands. If a player is working at 65-90% of their maximum heart rate for the majority of a game, cardio-respiratory endurance is indicated.

Importance of Cardio respiratory Endurance: Increasing cardiorespiratory endurance benefits your overall health. Your lungs and heart can use oxygen more effectively. This allows you to exercise for longer periods of time without tiring. Regular exercise can help most people improve their cardiorespiratory endurance.

Factors affecting cardio- respiratory endurance

Ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles.

Muscle fibre types.

Efficiency of the circulatory system.

Efficiency of the respiratory system.



The Core Components of Fitness 

Fitness components can be divided into two groups


Motor - skill or neurologically- based

Cardio-respiratory endurance / aerobic


Muscular strength,

Local muscular endurance/ aerobic

Anaerobic power,

Body composition,



Muscular power.




Reaction time.

These components are related to an athlete's ability to successfully perform skills and drills, and are often the discriminating factor between athletes of equal fitness in other areas. It is rare that a sport relies on only one component in order to be successful. It is usually a combination of fitness components that is required to be successful, particularly in team sports. Each fitness component will now be looked at individually.

MUSCULAR POWER (MP) : the ability to use strength quickly to produce an explosive effort.

Muscular power is a combination of speed and muscular strength. It is important for all explosive movements such as sprinting, passing, jumping, etc. 'Explosive' sports, such as javelin, discus (upper body), high jump, slam dunks (lower body), also require high levels of muscular strength.

Maximum power requires a compromise of speed and maximum strength. Approximately 35% of your maximum speed and 35% of your maximum strength combines to give you your maximal power. To develop power, you need to improve both speed and strength. Limiting factors for muscular power are the rate of phosphate energy production and the percentage of white fast twitch fibres in the muscle. A higher percentage of fast twitch fibres would indicate a greater capacity to generate power.

Factors affecting muscular power

Muscle fibre type.

Rate of phosphate energy production 

Local Muscular Endurance (LME)

It is also important to understand the importance of LOCAL muscular endurance. This means that muscular endurance is isolated to local muscle groups.

A marathon runner may have great LME endurance in the legs, however, his upper body LME is most likely poor. Many sports require LME of the abdominal muscles because they link the upper and lower body.

As a result, they are continuously working to coordinate the two halves of the body, especially in sports such as basketball, netball, soccer and hockey, where both upper and lower body are working.

Factors affecting muscular endurance:

Muscle fibre type.

Blood supply to the muscle.

Capacity to produce aerobic energy.

Tolerance to lactic acid.



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